Bookseller Catalogs

Catalogue 143: The Spanish Catalogue

By Marc Selvaggio, Books & Ephemera

Catalogue 143: The Spanish Catalogue Announcing my newest catalogue of books and printed ephemera: Catalogue 143, The Spanish Catalogue (376 items). All items from Spain and other Hispanic-speaking countries, in a variety of topics—advertising, business, urban planning, trade catalogue (commercial and retail), women’s health & beauty, medicine, art and amusements, travel, and the Spanish Civil War. With over 100 illustrations, many in color. Descriptions in English.

Occasional List 21: Object Subject

By Garrett Scott, Bookseller

Occasional List 21: Object Subject An online-only illustrated catalog, 31 items that are either remarkable objects or animated by a remarkable subject--including verses against the anti-Biblical practice of beard shaving, an impecunious accordion owner in 1850, and a covert flash novel of 1845.

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